Honoring Jewish Wedding Traditions
Jewish weddings are full of rituals related to history and culture, and the emphasis on community and meaning is rich. Any wedding photographer who knows how to cover one knows there are some special things that simply can’t be missed. These include the signing of the ketubah which is part of Jewish civil law, the ceremony under the chuppah that symbolizes home, the Seven Blessings from family and friends, and the breaking of the glass after the ceremony which always ends with shouts of Mazel Tov! And of course, every Jewish wedding is wonderfully topped off by a line dance called the Hora, where the bride and groom, and often moms and dads, are raised up high above the crowd on chairs (and sometimes by other means that are even more exciting). Scroll down to see 15 wonderful photos that share the love and joy of Jewish weddings from some seriously skillful and culturally savvy wedding photographers.

Photographed by Storey Wilkins Photography - Ontario, Canada photographers

Photographed by Alex Paul Photography - Boston Massachusetts photographers

Photographed by Gloria Ruth Photography - Miami, Florida photographers

Photographed by Joe Appel Photography - Pennsylvania photographers

Photographed by M. Hart Photo - Los Angeles, California photographers

Photographed by M. Hart Photo - Los Angeles, California photographers

Photographed by El Marco Rojo - Spain photographer

Photographed by David and Sherry Photography - Ontario, Canada photographers

Photographed by El Marco Rojo - Spain photographer

Photographed by f5 Photography - UK photographers

Photographed by Thierry Joubert Photography - France photographers

Photographed by Two Mann Studios - Calgary, Canada photographers

Photographed by La Vie Photography - Seattle, Washington photographers

Photographed by Morgan Lynn Photography - Colorado photographers

Photographed by Alex Gordias Photography - Boston, Massachusetts photographers