Member Perks
Art, Life and Business
At World's Best Wedding Photos, helping you succeed is what we're here for. If you're looking to create a website that sells itself, get your worked noticed, or speak to a luxury clientele, contact Blair deLaubenfels and watch your business soar!
15% off consulting, copywriting and curation, available to our members only.
Sign up for a free consultation at Art, Life and Business or contact [email protected].
Member News
Sandra Aberg has a new education platform!
Destination wedding photographer, Sandra Aberg, is living the dream and letting you in on how to join her. With her new course Gypsy Chicks, she and her BFF, photographer Chrissy Gilmartin, have created a step-by-step solution for photographers who want to expand their reach and take their work on the road to beautiful places. Check out their website and get on your way to a fulfilling career in destination wedding photography.
Get the scoop at
York Place Studios has a new book!
Giving you an up close view into wedding photojournalism, international educators Liam and Dominique Shaw provide the information and encouragement that every artist needs to have to improve their documentary photography. From creating stories when there is no obvious moment, to predicting the unpredictable, their comprehensive guide will help you create complete, moment-driven collections, full of award-winning photos. Whether you're just starting out or you're well established, Is This Something? is one book you need to read now.
Learn more at
Miles Witt Boyer launched his own filters!
Host of the Photographic Collective Podcast, Miles Witt Boyer has captured his processing style in collaboration with GPresets. The Abide Filter offers the true-to-life color with the cinematic undertones that Miles is known for, a look that's wildly popular with couples and photographers.
Check it out at
Member Workshops - Upcoming Dates
Foundation Workshops
"The conference your friends warn you about," Foundation Workshops are world renowned for their no-nonsense approach to photojournalism in the wedding photography community. With the leading educators coming from photojounalistic backgrounds, this 5-day experience puts you right into the action and demonstrates what is needed to tell stories and create an impact in documentary photography. Ready for a shift in the way you think and feel about your work?
Sign up for at
Amber Henry: The Fabulous Four
With a conference featuring our members Amber Henry and Ben Connolly it's a no-brainer to be in Vegas on the 14th and 15th of March. No doubt you'll get taken to school on everything about photography and leave feeling excited, energized and ready to create the business you've been talking about. Join them in Las Vegas for "an unforgettable photography workshop that will ignite your passion, expand your skills, and unleash your creativity."
Learn more at