Wedding Toasts - Ten Do's and Don'ts
When tasked with making a wedding toast there are 10 things you need to know to make it noteworthy. Check out our five do's and five don'ts to ensure your words are well received than scroll down to see a dozen extraordinary photos that capture the moment beautifully, along with our award winner from Christopher Jason, and find out how to make a toast that will make you feel as good about it as the bride and groom.
Ten Wedding Toast Do's and Don'ts
The Five Do’s
- Do create a wedding toast to congratulate the couple and make them feel loved. Make your comments complimentary and as heartfelt as you can. If you are a friend of the bride or groom be sure to include nice comments about their spouse as well.
- Do practice your speech beforehand with friends. Have your thoughts memorized and well thought out before you take the microphone. If you are telling jokes be sure they are funny and appropriate, and if you’re going to get mushy be sure it’s not too much.
- Do keep your comments between one and five minutes max. You definitely want to make your toast longer than “Cheers” and shorter than the time it takes to lose people’s attention.
- Do focus on why the couple is good together and how you look forward to being part of their lives in the future. When people get married they may be worried that their friends will drift away, and vice versa, so an assurance from you that you're still in their life and looking forward to maintaining your relationship will make everyone feel better.
- Do remember to ask everyone to raise their glasses at the end of your wedding toast. Close with an ending that is quick and sweet like; "May you both live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live." Make eye contact with the couple and then turn to the rest of the room.

The Five Don’ts
- Don’t ever share secrets or stories that will embarrass your hosts or friends! While you may have had some seriously hilarious moments with the bride/s or groom/s in the past, if you are thinking of sharing anything that their parents would not be proud keep it to yourself. Your wedding toast should be complimentary and uplifting.
- Don’t talk about yourself or what you’ve done to help the couple in the past or during the wedding.
- Don’t talk about sex, politics or anything divisive. There is plenty of that to deal with on a normal day and no one wants to be distracted from focusing on the couple and their future.
- Don’t pass the mic! Whatever you do, don’t call on others unless you’ve been asked to. Nothing is worse than a great set of prepared speeches that end on a sour note.
- Don't drink to much before you speak and don’t drink straight from the bottle - only a bride or groom can get away with that!

Go forth and make your friends smile with a wedding toast that strikes the perfect note. We're wishing you wit, charm and excellent timing!
For more expert advice on wedding planning and etiquette, check out all our Wedding Planning Tips and learn everything from how to write your own vows to how to get your wedding published.