How to Photograph Kids at Weddings
Photographing kids can be a bit like herding cats. For photographers who try to line them up to say “cheese,” the moment quickly falls apart and chaos ensues. That’s why leading wedding photographers take a different approach and use composition and anticipation to create priceless pictures. Dive in and get excited about having the right photographer capture the kids at your wedding.
Here are five ways our members make photographing kids look easy, even when it isn’t.
#1 They get on their level
By kneeling down, photographers put kids at ease and get great eye contact when they want it.

#2 They anticipate a child’s reaction
Top photographers know that a child will be amazed by the bride in her dress, a groom getting ready, and that we will react when couples kiss. Waiting for those moments, photographers are ready to capture them as they unfold.

#3 They give kids props
There’s nothing like a mask or a veil to get kids in the game. And if you give them cake or ice cream, they’re bound to make a beautiful mess.

#4 They let kids play
It’s natural for children to play and when they do smart photographers know how to capture the fun and make it memorable.

#5 They don’t stop shooting when things go awry.
Many of the cutest photos are taken when things don’t go according to plan and our members know that. That’s why they keep shooting and go with flow to create funny photographs like the ones below.

These are just some of the savvy techniques our members employ to create exquisite photos of children. To see more, check out our blog post collection of ridiculously adorable photos of kids being kids.