Father-Daughter Dance Tips
Many photographers will tell you that they tear up when brides dance with their dads. It is a moment of sweetness, vulnerability, connection, and shared memories that just has a way of making grownups cry.
If you want to honor your father, step-father, or significant mentor in your life with this lovely opportunity, here are some of the ways you can make your dance extra sweet.
Have your father choose a song (or choose one yourself) that you both love. Something that speaks to your relationship, like a song you sang together when you were young or something contemporary that sums up the way you feel about each other, will help make the moment more meaningful. We love “You are the Sunshine of My Life” and “Isn’t She Lovely” by Stevie Wonder, as well as “Daddy” by Beyonce, “Daughters” by John Mayer, and “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban.

Practice before the big event. Get together with your dad and take a few spins before you get on the dance floor for your reception, or take it one step further and invite him to a dance lesson to feel confident with your steps. Some dads and daughters have even choreographed slick moves or funny movements in their dances to get a big reaction from family and friends.

Whatever you choose to do, there has never been a better time to make your dad feel special, and the time you spend preparing for your dance will definitely add to your memories.
Keep eye contact for most of the song and feel free to lay your head on his shoulder and talk about the reasons you love him. This time is for you and your dad and you can be as sentimental as you would like. Talking keeps things natural and provides a deeper way to connect.

Stay moving throughout. Even if you get choked up, be sure to keep to the beat and don’t let your feet stop moving. It’s easy to get lost in emotion and you want to be sure you can finish your dance in style.

Don’t forget to have a hankie. Give your dad a lovely monogrammed handkerchief to use when the tears start flowing. Use it for both of you and then add it to your family heirlooms.

With tons of father-daughter dance lists that include song previews and dozens of good quality videos that can teach you to dance online, putting this piece of your wedding planning together should be fun and easy.
Want more advice on planning your wedding to perfection? Check out the Wedding Planning Tips section of our blog and get ready to impress your guests!