Ode to Joy

Ode to Joy

Unadulterated joy, we all have it in us, and it’s always present in moments of love, kindness, and celebration. Today we’re celebrating joy with upbeat wedding photos from our brilliant member photographers and we’re wishing everyone joy and laughter today and in all your days ahead. 

Joyful just married couple photographed by Ben Sowry
Joyful just married couple - photographed by Ben Sowry
Joyful, candid wedding portrait photographed by Rich Howman
Joyful candid wedding portrait - photographed by Rich Howman
Bride singing with joy surrounded by a choir of friends photographed by Jos & Tree
Bride singing with joy surrounded by a choir of friends - photographed by Jos & Tree
Whimsical couple celebrating after ceremony photographed by Callaway Gable
Whimsical couple celebrating after ceremony - photographed by Callaway Gable
Guests dance with joy in the blue lights of a wedding reception photographed by Callaway Gable
Guests dance with joy in the blue lights of a wedding reception - photographed by Nordica Photography
Estatic groom in East Indian attire lifting his joyful bride photographed by Sephi Bergerson
Guests dance with joy in the blue lights of a wedding reception - photographed by Sephi Bergerson
Joyous bride celebrates with groom and groomsmen - photographed by Callaway Gable
Joyous bride celebrates with groom and groomsmen - photographed by Callaway Gable

“Rejoice, Rejoice, we have no choice but to carry on” CSN - 1970